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3 Surprising Ways Custom Shipping Boxes Can Boost Your Small Business

There’s an old saying — you may have heard it once or twice — that goes: “Never judge a book by it’s cover.” It’s sound advice, and in a perfect world, we would all do our best to follow it. But in reality? Let’s just say people are quick to judge.

When it comes to first impressions, there’s no denying that appearance matters. When we look at someone or something, our brains instantly form a judgement, whether we intend to or not. This holds true not only for people, but for products, companies, branding, and more.

The other thing about first impressions? You only get one chance to make them. For us humans, that means we might wear a suit on a job interview or dress up for a blind date in hopes of making the first impression a positive one. For companies and products, it means cultivating a strong, visually-resounding brand identity.

For many businesses, especially in the digital age, the first physical, face-to-face interaction their product has with the customer occurs when said customer receives their order in the mail. On the surface, we might not give much thought to the exterior packaging, but the act of receiving and opening a box is an integral experience for the customer and one that can set the tone for your brand and business.

In fact, packaging makes such a statement that more than 50% of web consumers say they’ll make additional purchases from a business that uses above average or premium retail packaging, according to the Contract Packaging Association. With that in mind, custom shipping boxes can make a major impression — in more ways than one.

Read on to discover three unexpected yet incredibly helpful ways branded boxes can help take your business to the next level.  


1. Custom Boxes With Your Logo Can Improve Your Overall Branding Experience

Companies sometimes forget that when a customer opens your box, it is often their first real interaction with your business. In a split second, they can decide not only how they feel about their purchase, but how they feel about your brand as a whole. Here’s where making that positive impression truly matters.

By packaging your goods in a branded shipping box, you are communicating several things about who you are as a brand and what you stand for as a company. For example, a high-quality, branded package tells the customer that you, as a company, care deeply about overall quality and the customer experience. If your box is exceptional, your product must be, too.

Furthermore, a blank box is basically wasted space — space that you can occupy with your logo and branding to not only advertise your business, but to get your customers excited about the products inside. In other words, leaving a shipping box unadorned is basically a waste of precious marketing resources!

2. Having a Branded Box Can Increase the Legitimacy of Your Business

Believe it or not, your shipping boxes can help make your brand feel more legitimate and therefore, trustworthy. Think about it: If you were to receive a plain unmarked box versus an elevated branded box, which one would appear to come from a reputable company? (Hint: it’s not the plain package).

The truth is, most companies seek to make an impact with their product presentation because they want a professional look that shows that they are serious contenders. Having recognizable shipping packaging that reflects the professionalism and quality of your brand can cement your status as a trusted company while also making a memorable mark.

The best part? Customization can be surprisingly affordable, so doing your own thing doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive. Want tips about how to do it right for your business and your budget? Read on here.

3. Custom Shipping Boxes Can Enhance Your Social Media Presence

You might be wondering how a shipping box could possibly have any relevance in relation to your social media strategy. Enter: Instagram unboxings. Increasingly popular in recent years, unboxings are videos posted by Instagram influencers, bloggers, and celebrities that showcase themselves opening up boxes of products, often as a branded form of influencer marketing. A quick search the “unboxing” hashtag will reveal thousands of these trendy videos.

In short, no one wants to share a photo of a plain, boring brown shipping box on social media. Having an aesthetically pleasing, on-brand box that’s instantly recognizable can help enhance your presence on Instagram and beyond.

Another thing to consider: sustainability. As consumers (and particularly influencers) become more conscious of their footprint, having a sustainable box option can be a significant boost to your overall branding and social media presence. The best part is that a lot of times you don’t have to make a money decision to make an environmentally-conscious decision — there are budget-friendly options available for those who don’t want to spend the extra money going green.

Boost Your Business with Brandable Box

So, what are your options when it comes to getting an affordable, branded box? Brandable Box offers leading prices and durable quality on 100% recycled boxes that — you guessed it — can be stamped with your custom graphics absolutely free. Ready to get started?

Shop custom shipping boxes with your logo now.


This article was written by our marketing agency, MarketWake.

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